ROM map

From ZAMN Hacking
Address Length Type Name Description Arguments and return values/Data type Return
$80:8002 0xAC Code Initialize various SNES hardware registers None RTS
$80:80AE 0xBE Code main Main entry point of the game. Clears RAM and does various other initialization None N/A
$80:816C 0x0D Code vblank VBLANK interrupt handler None RTI
$80:8179 0x80 Code vblankHandler Default (and only) VBLANK handler None RTL
$80:81F9 0x10 Data directionForDpad The direction for each d-pad input direction x2[0x10]
$80:8209 0x01 Code Various interrupt handlers. Does nothing. None RTI
$80:820A 0x3C Code deleteAllEntities Deletes all entities (except the current entity) and VBLANK and VBLANK end listeners None RTL
$80:8246 0x02 Code Unused infinite loop None N/A
$80:8248 0x16 Code createPlayerEntity Creates an entity for a player Y+A = [pointer32] Entity pointer
Returns A = [unit16] Entity ID
$80:825E 0x80 Code createEntity Creates an entity Y+A = [pointer32] Entity pointer
Returns A = [uint16] Entity ID
$80:82DE 0x30 Data entityDPs Direct page address for each entity pointer16[0x18]
$80:830E 0x30 Data entityStacks Starting stack address for each entity pointer16[0x18]
$80:833E 0x15 Code Entities return here when completed. Deletes the current entity and resumes the entity loop. None N/A
$80:8353 0x45 Code waitFrames Pauses the current entity for the given number of frames A = [uint16] Number of frames N/A
$80:8398 0x16 Code Decrements the number of frames left to wait on each entity None RTS
$80:83AE 0x27 Code runOnVBLANK Creates a VBLANK listener Y+A = [pointer32] Listener subroutine
Returns X = [uint16] Listener ID
$80:83D5 0x0B Code stopRunningOnVBLANK Deletes the given VBLANK listener A = [uint16] Listener ID RTL
$80:83E0 0x38 Code runVBLANKListeners Runs all the current VBLANK listeners None RTS
$80:8418 0x25 Code runOnVBLANKEnd Creates a VBLANK end listener Y+A = [pointer32] Listener subroutine
Returns X = [uint16] Listener ID
$80:843D 0x38 Code runVBLANKEndListeners Runs all the current VBLANK end listeners None RTS
$80:8475 0x0B Code setCollisionHandler Sets the sprite collision handler for the current entity Y+A = [pointer32] Handler subroutine RTL
$80:8480 0x31 Code runCollisionHandler Runs the sprite collision handler for the given entity X = [uint16] Entity ID
Y = [sprite type] Type of sprite collided with
$80:84B1 0x65 Code Main game loop None N/A
$80:8516 0xB9 Code playLevel Plays the current level None RTL
$80:891A 0x19 Code fadeIn Fades the screen in from black None RTL
$80:8933 0x14 Code fadeOut Fades the screen out to black None RTL
$80:9C52 0x20 Code fadeInAsync Fades the screen in from black asynchronously None RTS
$80:9C72 0x1A Code fadeOutAsync Fades the screen out to black asynchronously None RTS
$80:9D39 0x22 Code getRandomByte Gets a random value in the range 0-255 Returns A = [uint16] Random value RTL
$80:9D6A 0x3C Code playerForCharacter Gets the player that is using the given character A = [character x2] Character
Returns X = [uint16 x2] Player
$80:AE97 0x95 Code bgSolidToMonsters Gets whether the background is solid to monsters at the given position X = [int16] X position
Y = [int16] Y position
Returns C = [boolean] Whether it's solid
$80:B123 0x6C Code findTarget Finds the closest sprite for a monster to target X = [int16] X position
Y = [int16] Y position
Returns A = [uint16] distance to target
Returns X = [pointer16] target sprite
$80:B22A 0x35 Code getDirectionToTarget Gets the direction from the given sprite to the given target sprite X = [pointer16] Sprite
Y = [pointer16] Target sprite
Returns A = [direction] Direction to target
$80:B2A5 0x5D Code findPlayerInRange Finds the closest player within the given distance on a single axis A = [uint16] Maximum single-axis distance
X = [int16] X position
Y = [int16] Y position
Returns A = [uint16] direction to player
Returns X = [uint16] single-axis distance to player
Returns Y = [pointer16] player sprite
$80:B3F1 0x31 Code snapToTarget Sets the given sprite's X and/or Y positions to that of the target if they are within 1 pixel X = [pointer16] Sprite
Y = [pointer16] Target sprite
$80:BE0C 0x2F Code createSprite Creates a sprite Returns A/Y = [pointer16] Sprite pointer RTL
$80:BE41 0x3C Code deleteSprite Deletes the given sprite A = [pointer16] Sprite pointer RTL
$80:BF67 0x61 Code touchingSpriteSolidToMonsters Gets whether the given position is touching a sprite that is solid to monsters A = [pointer16] current sprite
X = [int16] X position
Y = [int16] Y position
Returns C = [boolean] Whether it's solid
$80:C7D9 0x40 Code givePoints Awards points to the given character N = [boolean] give to Julie
A = [uint16 bcd] number of points
$80:CC3B 0x11 Code playSound Plays the given sound effect A = [uint16] Sound effect ID RTL
$81:8000 0x24 Code createMonsterSprite Creates a sprite for a monster RTL
$81:8191 0x11 Code removeOneShotEntity Marks the given one-shot entity as no longer needing to be spawned A = [uint16] One-shot entity index RTL
$81:832C 0x1D Code showAnimation Shows the given animation on the sprite stored in $08 A = [pointer16] Animation RTL
$81:83A3 0x23 Code showMonsterDeath Show monster death animation and play sound A = [pointer16] Animation
X = [uint16] Do nothing if not equal to 0xF5F5
Y = [uint16] Sprite tile data bank
$81:83C6 0x3E Code bubbleMonster Call from a monster's sprite collision handler to cause it to be bubbled Returns C = [boolean] Collision handler return value RTL
$81:847E 0x58 Code freezeMonster Call from a monster's sprite collision handler to cause it to be frozen Returns C = [boolean] Collision handler return value RTL
$81:8506 0x3C Code showDamageAnimation Call from a monster's sprite collision handler to show a damage animation Returns C = [boolean] Collision handler return value RTL
$81:8561 0x2A Data weaponDamage The base damage dealt by each weapon uint16[21]