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Line 89: Line 89:
| $7E || 2 || int16 0-based || freezeTimer || Amount of time to stay [[Fire extinguisher|frozen]]
| $7E || 2 || int16 0-based || freezeTimer || Amount of time to stay [[Fire extinguisher|frozen]]

== Pseudocode ==

moveAmount = { { 0, 0 },
{ 0, -1 },
{ 1, -1 },
{ 1, 0 },
{ 1, 1 },
{ 0, 1 },
{ -1, 1 },
{ -1, 0 },
{ -1, -1 } }
newPositionIsBlocked() {
return {{ROM name|$80:AE97}}(this.newX, this.newY) ||
{{ROM name|$80:BF67}}(this.sprite, this.newX, this.newY)
wanderInRandomDirection() {
this.direction = ({{ROM name|$80:9D39}}() % 4) * 2 + 1
setStateToWandering() {
this.state = this.wanderingState
wanderingState() {
this.newX = this.x + this.moveAmount[this.direction][0]
this.newY = this.y + this.moveAmount[this.direction][1]
if (!{{ROM name|$80:AE97}}(this.newX, this.newY)) {
if (!{{ROM name|$80:BF67}}(this.sprite, this.newX, this.newY)) {
this.x = this.newX
this.sprite.x = this.newX
this.y = this.newY
this.sprite.y = this.newY
} else {
followWall() {
this.direction = ((this.direction - 1) + 2) % 8 + 1 // Rotate 90 degrees clockwise
setStateToFollowingWall() {
this.state = this.followingWallState
followingWallState() {
this.newDirection = ((this.direction - 1) - 2) % 8 + 1 // Rotate 90 degrees counterclockwise
this.newX = this.x + this.moveAmount[this.newDirection][0]
this.newY = this.y + this.moveAmount[this.newDirection][1]
if (!this.newPositionIsBlocked()) {
this.direction = this.newDirection
this.newX = this.x + this.moveAmount[this.direction][0]
this.newY = this.y + this.moveAmount[this.direction][1]
if (!this.newPositionIsBlocked()) {
this.x = this.newX
this.sprite.x = this.newX
this.y = this.newY
this.sprite.y = this.newY
} else {
setStateToTargeting() {
this.state = this.targetingState
targetingState() {
distance, this.targetSprite = {{ROM name|$80:B123}}(this.x, this.y)
if (distance >= 70) {
{{ROM name|$80:B3F1}}(this.sprite, this.targetSprite)
this.direction = {{ROM name|$80:B22A}}(this.sprite, this.targetSprite)
if (this.direction == 0) {
this.targetDirection = this.direction
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
this.newX = this.x + this.moveAmount[this.targetDirection][0]
this.newY = this.y + this.moveAmount[this.targetDirection][1]
if (!this.newPositionIsBlocked()) {
this.x = this.newX
this.sprite.x = this.newX
this.y = this.newY
this.sprite.y = this.newY
checkForTarget() {
distance = {{ROM name|$80:B123}}(this.x, this.y)
if (distance < 65) {
direction = {{ROM name|$80:B2A5}}(208, this.x, this.y)
if (direction == 0) {
this.deathStatus -= 1
killed() {
{{ROM name|$80:B2A5}}(this.collidedSpriteType & 0x8000, 100)
this.deathStatus = 0xF5F5
updateAnimation() {
this.cyclesUntilAnimUpdate -= 1
if (this.cyclesUntilAnimUpdate == 0) {
this.cyclesUntilAnimUpdate = 4
this.animationFrame = (this.animationFrame + 1) % 4
this.sprite.tileData.lowBytes = this.animations[this.direction][this.animationFrame]
this.sprite.tileData.bank = 0x90
if (this.direction < DOWN_LEFT) {
this.sprite.flipX = false
} else {
this.sprite.flipY = true
animations = { { 0xCABC, 0xCADD, 0xCAFE, 0xCB1F },
{ 0xCB40, 0xCB61, 0xCB82, 0xCBA3 },
{ 0xCA28, 0xCA51, 0xCA72, 0xCA9B },
{ 0xCA28, 0xCA51, 0xCA72, 0xCA9B },
{ 0xCA28, 0xCA51, 0xCA72, 0xCA9B },
{ 0xCABC, 0xCADD, 0xCAFE, 0xCB1F },
{ 0xCA28, 0xCA51, 0xCA72, 0xCA9B },
{ 0xCA28, 0xCA51, 0xCA72, 0xCA9B },
{ 0xCA28, 0xCA51, 0xCA72, 0xCA9B } }
init() {
{{ROM name|$81:8000}}()
this.animationFrame = 0
this.x = args.x
this.sprite.x = args.x
this.sprite.z = 0
this.y = args.y
this.sprite.y = args.y
this.sprite.tileData = $90:C98A
this.sprite.visible = true
this.sprite.alternatePalette = 6
this.collidedSpriteType = 0
this.freezeTimer = 0
mainNormal() {
{{RAM name|$7E:00DE}} += 0x14
this.cyclesUntilAnimUpdate = 7
{{ROM name|$81:832C}}(this.spawnAnimation)
this.sprite.type = MONSTER
this.health = 0
{{ROM name|$80:8475}}(this.collisionHandler)
this.deathStatus = 0
while (this.deathStatus == 0) {
{{ROM name|$80:8353}}(2)
if (this.deathStatus == 0xF5F5) {
{{RAM name|$7E:1F64}} += 1
{{ROM name|$81:83A3}}(mummy.deathAnimation, this.deathStatus, 0x90)
{{RAM name|$7E:00DE}} -= 0x14
while ({{RAM name|$7E:00DE}} < 0) { }
{{ROM name|$80:BE41}}(this.sprite)
spawnAnimation = { { 0xC98A, 10 }, { 0xC993, 10 }, { 0xC9A4, 10 }, { 0xC9B5, 10 },
{ 0xC9D6, 10 }, { 0xC9FF, 10 }, { 0, 0 } }
collisionHandler(spriteType) {
if (spriteType < SQUIRT_GUN) {
return false
this.collidedSpriteType = spriteType
weaponType = spriteType & 0x7FFF
if (weaponType == MARTIAN_BUBBLE_GUN) {
return {{ROM name|$81:83C6}}()
} else if (weaponType == FIRE_EXTINGUISHER) {
return {{ROM name|$81:847E}}()
} else {
newHealth = this.health - {{ROM name|$81:8561}}[weaponType - SQUIRT_GUN]
if (newHealth < 0) {
this.health = newHealth
this.freezeTimer = 0
return true
} else if (newHealth != this.health) {
this.health = newHealth
return {{ROM name|$81:8506}}()
return false

[[Category:Respawning monster]]
[[Category:Respawning monster]]

Revision as of 00:54, 27 June 2024

Monster data
HP 1
Points 100
Entity data
Entity pointer $81:87F8 (normal)
$81:88CA (hard)

The zombie is a respawning monster. There are two different types of zombies: normal and hard. They behave mostly the same, but there are slight differences that make the hard version more aggressive.


Zombies can be in one of three states:

  • Wandering: Walk in a straight line in a random one of the four orthogonal directions. Zombies start in this state.
  • Following wall: Go counterclockwise around the perimeter of a wall. A zombie will enter this state if it touches a wall (i.e. a tile that is solid to monsters) while in the wandering state.
  • Targeting: Move towards the nearest targetable sprite. A zombie enters this state when it comes within a certain distance of a targetable sprite. The zombie will leave this state and go back to the wandering state if there is no longer a targetable sprite within another (slightly larger) distance.

Zombies will despawn if they are a distance of 208 pixels or more on a single axis from the closest player, and are not within target range of any targetable sprites. The SNES screen has a width of 256 pixels, so this means it is possible for a zombie to despawn while still on screen if all players are on the very left or right of the screen and the zombie is on the opposite side.

Differences in hard version

Normal (left) vs. hard (right) targeting through a wall
  • Start targeting at distance of 159 pixels (instead of 64 pixels for normal). They continue targeting while there is a target within 179 pixels (instead of 69 pixels for normal).
  • Moves at a speed of 1 px/frame when wandering and following wall (instead of 0.5 px/frame for normal). The speed when targeting is 1 px/frame for both versions.
  • Position update logic is different when targeting. When targeting through a wall, normal zombies will get stuck, but the hard version will still follow along the wall.
  • The angle to rotate when following a wall is stored in a variable instead of being hardcoded. However, this variable is never initialized, so it will retain whatever value happened to be in RAM previously. This generally results in the zombie sticking to the wall instead of following it.
  • Will switch to the wandering state if they are unable to move towards the target when targeting (because there is a wall in the way). The zombie will still likely be within target range, so it will usually immediately switch back to targeting, resulting in the zombie turning in place spastically.


Zombies have a four frame animation cycle, with 8 frames in between each animation frame. There is a separate set of animation frames for each of the 4 orthogonal directions, chosen based on which direction the zombie is moving. If the zombie is moving diagonal, it uses the left or right animation.

RAM map

Entity arguments

Address Length Type Name Description
$00 2 int16 x X position
$02 2 int16 y Y position

Entity memory

Address Length Type Name Description
$08 2 pointer16 sprite Pointer to sprite
$0A 2 uint16 cyclesUntilAnimUpdate Number of 2-frame cycles until next animation frame
$0C 2 uint16 x2 animationFrame Current animation frame
$0E 2 direction x2 direction Current direction
$10 2 direction x2 newDirection New direction
$12 2 uint16 deathStatus Death status. 0 = alive, 0xF5F5 = killed, other = despawned
$14 2 pointer16 state Current state subroutine pointer
$16 2 int16 x X position
$18 2 int16 y Y position
$1A 2 int16 newX New X position
$1C 2 int16 newY New Y position
$1E 2 int16 0-based health Health
$20 2 direction x4 targetDirection Direction to target
$22 2 sprite type collidedSpriteType Type of sprite collided with
$24 2 unused unused24 Value is set and used, but appears to have no effect (hard only)
$26 2 int16 tempX Temp X position (hard only)
$28 2 int16 tempY Temp Y position (hard only)
$2A 2 uint16 moveCounter Number of times left to move when targeting (hard only)
$2C 2 int16 wallRotateAngle Amount to rotate when following wall (hard only)
$2E 2 pointer16 targetSprite Pointer to target sprite (not used) (normal only)
$7E 2 int16 0-based freezeTimer Amount of time to stay frozen


moveAmount = { {  0,  0 },
               {  0, -1 },
               {  1, -1 },
               {  1,  0 },
               {  1,  1 },
               {  0,  1 },
               { -1,  1 },
               { -1,  0 },
               { -1, -1 } }

newPositionIsBlocked() {
	return bgSolidToMonsters(this.newX, this.newY) ||
	       touchingSpriteSolidToMonsters(this.sprite, this.newX, this.newY)

wanderInRandomDirection() {
	this.direction = (getRandomByte() % 4) * 2 + 1

setStateToWandering() {
	this.state = this.wanderingState

wanderingState() {
	this.newX = this.x + this.moveAmount[this.direction][0]
	this.newY = this.y + this.moveAmount[this.direction][1]
	if (!bgSolidToMonsters(this.newX, this.newY)) {
		if (!touchingSpriteSolidToMonsters(this.sprite, this.newX, this.newY)) {
			this.x = this.newX
			this.sprite.x = this.newX
			this.y = this.newY
			this.sprite.y = this.newY
	} else {

followWall() {
	this.direction = ((this.direction - 1) + 2) % 8 + 1 // Rotate 90 degrees clockwise

setStateToFollowingWall() {
	this.state = this.followingWallState

followingWallState() {
	this.newDirection = ((this.direction - 1) - 2) % 8 + 1 // Rotate 90 degrees counterclockwise
	this.newX = this.x + this.moveAmount[this.newDirection][0]
	this.newY = this.y + this.moveAmount[this.newDirection][1]
	if (!this.newPositionIsBlocked()) {
		this.direction = this.newDirection

	this.newX = this.x + this.moveAmount[this.direction][0]
	this.newY = this.y + this.moveAmount[this.direction][1]
	if (!this.newPositionIsBlocked()) {
		this.x = this.newX
		this.sprite.x = this.newX
		this.y = this.newY
		this.sprite.y = this.newY
	} else {

setStateToTargeting() {
	this.state = this.targetingState

targetingState() {
	distance, this.targetSprite = findTarget(this.x, this.y)
	if (distance >= 70) {

	snapToTarget(this.sprite, this.targetSprite)
	this.direction = getDirectionToTarget(this.sprite, this.targetSprite)
	if (this.direction == 0) {
	this.targetDirection = this.direction

	for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
		this.newX = this.x + this.moveAmount[this.targetDirection][0]
		this.newY = this.y + this.moveAmount[this.targetDirection][1]
		if (!this.newPositionIsBlocked()) {
			this.x = this.newX
			this.sprite.x = this.newX
			this.y = this.newY
			this.sprite.y = this.newY

checkForTarget() {
	distance = findTarget(this.x, this.y)
	if (distance < 65) {

	direction = findPlayerInRange(208, this.x, this.y)
	if (direction == 0) {
		this.deathStatus -= 1

killed() {
	findPlayerInRange(this.collidedSpriteType & 0x8000, 100)
	this.deathStatus = 0xF5F5

updateAnimation() {
	this.cyclesUntilAnimUpdate -= 1
	if (this.cyclesUntilAnimUpdate == 0) {
		this.cyclesUntilAnimUpdate = 4
		this.animationFrame = (this.animationFrame + 1) % 4

		this.sprite.tileData.lowBytes = this.animations[this.direction][this.animationFrame]
		this.sprite.tileData.bank = 0x90
		if (this.direction < DOWN_LEFT) {
			this.sprite.flipX = false
		} else {
			this.sprite.flipY = true

animations = { { 0xCABC, 0xCADD, 0xCAFE, 0xCB1F },
               { 0xCB40, 0xCB61, 0xCB82, 0xCBA3 },
               { 0xCA28, 0xCA51, 0xCA72, 0xCA9B },
               { 0xCA28, 0xCA51, 0xCA72, 0xCA9B },
               { 0xCA28, 0xCA51, 0xCA72, 0xCA9B },
               { 0xCABC, 0xCADD, 0xCAFE, 0xCB1F },
               { 0xCA28, 0xCA51, 0xCA72, 0xCA9B },
               { 0xCA28, 0xCA51, 0xCA72, 0xCA9B },
               { 0xCA28, 0xCA51, 0xCA72, 0xCA9B } }

init() {
	this.animationFrame = 0
	this.x = args.x
	this.sprite.x = args.x
	this.sprite.z = 0
	this.y = args.y
	this.sprite.y = args.y
	this.sprite.tileData = $90:C98A
	this.sprite.visible = true
	this.sprite.alternatePalette = 6
	this.collidedSpriteType = 0
	this.freezeTimer = 0

mainNormal() {
	$7E:00DE += 0x14
	this.cyclesUntilAnimUpdate = 7
	this.sprite.type = MONSTER
	this.health = 0
	this.deathStatus = 0

	while (this.deathStatus == 0) {

	if (this.deathStatus == 0xF5F5) {
		zombiesKilled += 1
		showMonsterDeath(mummy.deathAnimation, this.deathStatus, 0x90)

	$7E:00DE -= 0x14
	while ($7E:00DE < 0) { }

spawnAnimation = { { 0xC98A, 10 }, { 0xC993, 10 }, { 0xC9A4, 10 }, { 0xC9B5, 10 },
                   { 0xC9D6, 10 }, { 0xC9FF, 10 }, { 0, 0 } }

collisionHandler(spriteType) {
	if (spriteType < SQUIRT_GUN) {
		return false
	this.collidedSpriteType = spriteType

	weaponType = spriteType & 0x7FFF
	if (weaponType == MARTIAN_BUBBLE_GUN) {
		return bubbleMonster()
	} else if (weaponType == FIRE_EXTINGUISHER) {
		return freezeMonster()
	} else {
		newHealth = this.health - weaponDamage[weaponType - SQUIRT_GUN]
		if (newHealth < 0) {
			this.health = newHealth
			this.freezeTimer = 0
			return true
		} else if (newHealth != this.health) {
			this.health = newHealth
			return showDamageAnimation()
		return false