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Zombie: Difference between revisions

311 bytes added ,  10 days ago
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Line 34:
{| class="wikitable"
! Address !! Length !! [[Data types|Type]] !! Name !! Description
| $00 || 2 || int16 || x || X position
| $02 || 2 || int16 || y || Y position
Line 45:
{| class="wikitable"
! Address !! Length !! [[Data types|Type]] !! Name !! Description
| $08 || 2 || pointer16 || sprite || Pointer to sprite
| $0A || 2 || uint16 || cyclesUntilAnimUpdate || Number of 2-frame cycles until next animation frame
| $0C || 2 || uint16 x2 || animationFrame || Current animation frame
| $0E || 2 || direction x2 || direction || Current direction
| $10 || 2 || direction x2 || newDirection || New direction
| $12 || 2 || uint16 || deathStatus || Death status. 0 = alive, 0xF5F5 = killed, other = despawned
| $14 || 2 || pointer16 || state || Current state subroutine pointer
| $16 || 2 || int16 || x || X position
| $18 || 2 || int16 || y || Y position
| $1A || 2 || int16 || newX || New X position
| $1C || 2 || int16 || newY || New Y position
| $1E || 2 || int16 0-based || health || Health
| $20 || 2 || direction x4 || targetDirection || Direction to target
| $22 || 2 || sprite type || collidedSpriteType || Type of sprite collided with
| $24 || 2 || unused || unused24 || Value is set and used, but appears to have no effect (hard only)
| $26 || 2 || int16 || tempX || Temp X position (hard only)
| $28 || 2 || int16 || tempY || Temp Y position (hard only)
| $2A || 2 || uint16 || moveCounter || Number of times left to move when targeting (hard only)
| $2C || 2 || int16 || wallRotateAngle || Amount to rotate when following wall (hard only)
| $2E || 2 || pointer16 || targetSprite || Pointer to target sprite (not used) (normal only)
|- class="breakrow"
| $7E || 2 || int16 0-based || freezeTimer || Amount of time to stay [[Fire extinguisher|frozen]]
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