Item pickup

From ZAMN Hacking

Item pickups are entities that give weapons, special items, or other benefits to the player when collected.

Item Pickup List[edit]

Name Item pickup ID Pickup quantity
Squirt gun 0x00 99
Fire extinguisher 0x02 99
Martian bubble gun 0x04 40
Weed-eater 0x06 300
Ancient artifact 0x24 30
Bazooka 0x26 5
Soda pop cans 0x16 20
Tomatoes 0x18 20
Ice pops 0x1A 20
Bananas 0x1C 1
Plate 0x20 20
Silverware 0x22 20
Football 0x28 20
Flamethrower 0x2A 400
First aid kit 0x1E 1
Pandora's box 0x2C 1
Skeleton key 0x2E 1
Decoys 0x30 6
Key 0x08 1
Speed shoes 0x0A 1
Monster potion 0x0C 1
Ghost kid potion 0x0E 1
Random potion 0x10 1
Grey potion 0x12 1
Hamburger 0x14 N/A
Secret item 0x34 N/A
1up 0x36 N/A
Gold 0x38 N/A
Dollar bills 0x3A N/A
Pile of keys 0x32 N/A