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50 bytes added ,  9 days ago
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(5 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 93:
| $30 || 2 || sprite type || collidedSpriteType || Type of weapon shot sprite collided with
|- class="breakrow"
| $7E || 2 || int16 0-based || freezeTimer || NumberAmount of timestime hitto withstay [[fireFire extinguisher|frozen]]
== PsuedocodePseudocode ==
init() {
Line 200:
this.xPixels = this.x / 4
this.yPixels = this.y / 4
this.direction = {{ROM name|$80:B2A5}}(0xF0240, this.xPixels, this.yPixels)
Line 209:
mainNormalmain_Normal() {
if (!{{RAM name|$7E:1E88}}[0] && !{{RAM name|$7E:1E88}}[1]) {
Line 243:
{{ROM name|$80:C7D9}}(this.collidedSpriteType & 0x8000, 20)
{{RAM name|$7E:1F76}} += 1
{{ROM name|$81:83A3}}(this.deathAnimationNormaldeathAnimation_Normal, 0xF5F5, 0x90)
Line 251:
deathAnimationNormaldeathAnimation_Normal = { { 0xA01D, 5 }, { 0xA06E, 5 }, { 0xA0A7, 5 }, { 0xA0D8, 5 },
{ 0xA0F9, 5 }, { 0xA11A, 5 }, { 0, 0 } }
mainHardmain_Hard() {
if (!{{RAM name|$7E:1E88}}[0] && !{{RAM name|$7E:1E88}}[1]) {
Line 282:
{{ROM name|$80:C7D9}}(this.collidedSpriteType & 0x8000, 20)
{{RAM name|$7E:1F76}} += 1
{{ROM name|$81:83A3}}(this.deathAnimationHarddeathAnimation_Hard, 0xF5F5, 0x90)
Line 290:
deathAnimationHarddeathAnimation_Hard = { { 0xA01D, 5 }, { 0xA06E, 5 }, { 0xA0A7, 5 }, { 0xA0D8, 5 },
{ 0xA0F9, 5 }, { 0xA11A, 5 }, { 0, 0 } }
walkingAnimationsPerCharacter = { this.walkingAnimationsZeke, this.walkingAnimationsJulie }
walkingAnimationsZeke = { { 0x90ED, 0x90ED, 0x90ED, 0x90ED },
{ 0x9210, 0x9229, 0x9242, 0x925B },
Line 313:
{ 0x82E0, 0x8301, 0x831A, 0x833B } }
spawnAnimationPerCharacter = { this.spawnAnimationZeke, this.spawnAnimationJulie }
spawnAnimationZeke = { 0x9F0D, 0x9F16, 0x9F27, 0x9F48, 0x9F69, 0x9F92, 0x9FC3, 0x9FF4,
0x9627, 0x9640, 0x9659 }